Roadside Help When Your Car Or Truck Will Not Start

Do you love your car or truck and want to keep it running as long as possible? Learn more about maintaining an older vehicle.

Roadside Help When Your Car Or Truck Will Not Start

9 November 2022
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

A dead battery in your car or truck can be inconvenient, and often finding someone to jumpstart your car is challenging. You can call a friend or family member for assistance, but that may mean waiting for someone to show up to help you. A roadside service company or car jumpstart services company in the area are often options. 

Jumpstart Services

When you have a dead battery in your car, replacing it is often the best solution. However, getting the car started is the first step to getting it home or to a repair center for service. 

Jumpstart services or roadside repair companies often offer jumpstarts and can come to your location, so you do not have to tow the vehicle. Batteries typically start to get weak over time, and as you are close to the end of the service life, they may not have enough amperage to start the car, especially in cold weather. 

Jumpstarting the car or truck will get the engine running, and the alternator will continue to provide power to the engine. Often these services will come out any time of the day or night to get your car started and make sure you get back on the road safely.

If you are a member of a roadside assistance organization, they may cover the cost of the jumpstart services. However, check with them before you make a call because some roadside organizations have contracts with specific companies they want you to use. If you use a service not under an agreement with the organization, they may not cover the cost, and you may have to pay the bill yourself.  

Jump Packs And Jumper Cables

When you call a car jumpstart service, they will arrive with all the tools to do the job. Many companies use a jumpstart pack that they attach directly to the battery in your car. The jump pack is a battery pack that provides the same power your battery would if it was working.

Once the car starts, the pack is removed from the vehicle to get you on your way. If the jump pack is not enough to get your car started, the jumpstart service providers may use a heavy-duty set of jumper cables that can provide more power and connect them to your vehicle and theirs. Often the battery and alternator on their vehicle will provide enough power boost. 

If the engine still does not start, you may need to have the vehicle towed to a repair shop because something other than the battery may be the problem. Sometimes the jumpstart service will waive the fee or lower it if they can't get your car going, but each one is different, so you may want to ask about it upfront.

About Me
Maintaining an Older Vehicle

Twenty years ago, my loving husband purchased a maroon truck. Amazingly, my spouse still owns and drives this vehicle. He absolutely adores it. To keep his truck in pristine condition, my husband replaces automotive parts on it when they malfunction. For instance, my spouse has replaced the battery, water pump, fuel pump, tires, and spark plugs on his vehicle. He’s also hired a professional to repaint his beloved automobile. Perhaps you’re considering purchasing a new vehicle but would really like to keep your old one. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you maintain an older vehicle for many years to come. Enjoy!
