Do you love your car or truck and want to keep it running as long as possible? Learn more about maintaining an older vehicle.

Tips For Selling A Used Car

26 October 2018
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Financial binds can come about during the worst times in life, such as when you are no longer employed due to getting laid off. Finding money to live on until a new job is found can bring about a large amount of stress. If you have any assets of value that can be sold, it is the most ideal way to obtain money other than applying for a loan. For instance, if you have a vehicle that you don't really use, selling it can possibly make you a nice amount of cash to temporarily live on. Read More …

Have A Vintage Car To Rebuild? Tips For Finding Replacement Auto Parts

2 March 2018
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

If you have a vintage car that you want to rebuild, you will likely need to replace a lot of the auto parts. If so, you can find them in many places. Because the car you are rebuilding is vintage, you may find it a little more difficult to find the parts you need, however. To help you, below are three tips on where you may be able to find the parts that you need so you can finish rebuilding your car. Read More …

About Me
Maintaining an Older Vehicle

Twenty years ago, my loving husband purchased a maroon truck. Amazingly, my spouse still owns and drives this vehicle. He absolutely adores it. To keep his truck in pristine condition, my husband replaces automotive parts on it when they malfunction. For instance, my spouse has replaced the battery, water pump, fuel pump, tires, and spark plugs on his vehicle. He’s also hired a professional to repaint his beloved automobile. Perhaps you’re considering purchasing a new vehicle but would really like to keep your old one. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you maintain an older vehicle for many years to come. Enjoy!
